March 27, 2024

Build to Rent Marketing: Branding, Story-Telling and Engaging Content

As the real estate market continues to undergo transformation, build to rent (BTR) communities have emerged as a unique opportunity for builders and investors to meet increasing demand. And when it comes to build to rent marketing, the team at SmartTouch® Interactive, with CEO and founder Robert Cowes at the helm, brings a wealth of expertise, spearheading innovative and effective marketing strategies that cater specifically to the needs of BTR communities.

The Genesis of SmartTouch® Interactive

With over 25 years in real estate marketing, Robert Cowes founded SmartTouch® Interactive in 2010, driven by a passion to harness technology‑driven marketing programs for builders and developers. “I love this business so much, and I can’t see myself doing anything else,” Cowes says, before highlighting the company’s entry into the world of BTR marketing: “We actually started our first endeavor in build‑to‑rent way back in 2014, before it really took off as a popular concept.” Since then, SmartTouch® Interactive has been instrumental in generating demand for properties in key markets like Phoenix and Atlanta, working closely with private equity groups to secure renters for newly developed properties.

A BTR Marketing Strategy That Delivers

SmartTouch® Interactive’s success in the BTR market is attributed to its innovative “All Lines In” strategy, which integrates multiple marketing programs and advertising channels to create highly efficient campaigns that also factor in the budget and timeline constraints that BTR communities operate under. This approach focuses on building awareness through SEO and SEM efforts, retargeting on social media, reengagement via email and text messaging, and ensuring visibility on prominent renter websites. “This approach gives us the flexibility to idle up or down based on available inventory and really push on the gas when it’s time to increase capacity,” Cowes states, emphasizing the adaptability of this strategy to meet the dynamic needs of BTR communities.

Build to Rent Branding and Marketing Opportunities

Cowes sees “a tremendous opportunity” in branding and marketing for BTR builders and developers – the challenge lies in differentiating BTR communities from traditional rental properties, a task that requires innovative thinking and strategic branding. SmartTouch® Interactive believes in investing in branding and language that resonates with renters, thereby establishing a distinct identity for BTR communities. “The ones that decide to really invest in the branding and the language will be the first to actually generate results,” Cowes notes. “It’s an opportunity to actually be in control of the brand, the message, and how they want to be portrayed in the market.”

Crafting a Compelling Brand Story

The essence of SmartTouch® Interactive’s strategy lies in developing a compelling brand story that encapsulates the value proposition of BTR communities. From offering better amenities and more flexible leasing options to eliminating the stress of home maintenance, the goal is to highlight the advantages of BTR communities over traditional rental options. “Our MO is to develop a brand story around what we really have to offer, and we can make data‑driven decisions about that based on the research we’re able to do and the customer profiles we build,” Cowes elaborates, emphasizing the importance of communicating the unique benefits of BTR living to potential renters.

The SmartTouch® Experience

“When you work with SmartTouch®, you’re working with an 11‑piece orchestra,” Cowes says, with each member showcasing their depth of expertise across various domains, including project management, creative design, content writing, SEO, and email marketing. This multidisciplinary approach ensures that BTR communities are marketed with precision, creativity, and efficiency.

Through strategic branding, storytelling, and content creation, the company is not only enhancing the visibility of BTR communities, but also setting a new standard for how these properties can be effectively marketed across an entire range of channels. For builders and investors in the BTR sector, partnering with SmartTouch® Interactive offers a pathway to success in a competitive and ever‑changing market and access to a team of experts with a proven track record.

Ready to learn how SmartTouch® can elevate your business and help you generate more qualified leads? Get in touch with us today to schedule a free consultation!